Author: binilselva

Apple's Game-Changing Strategy: Affordable Laptop to Challenge Chromebooks in 2024
Review, Softwares, Technology

Apple’s Game-Changing Strategy: Affordable Laptop to Challenge Chromebooks in 2024

In an industry known for its premium pricing and cutting-edge innovation, Apple is poised to make waves in 2024 with a groundbreaking venture that promises to redefine the concept of affordable computing. This ambitious move represents a paradigm shift for the tech giant, as it boldly steps into the budget-friendly laptop market with a revolutionary ultra-low-cost laptop. What makes this announcement even more astonishing is its aim to challenge the long-standing dominance of Chromebooks, a category synonymous with affordability and simplicity.

How to Block all Websites Notification and Chrome Ads from Browsing History
New Technology, Updates

How to Block all Websites Notification and Chrome Ads from Browsing History

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with information, entertainment, and communication. However, it’s no secret that some aspects of web browsing can be quite bothersome. Website notifications constantly asking for your attention and ads that seem to follow you based on your browsing history can be distracting and frustrating. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of completely blocking both website notifications and Chrome ads that rely on your browsing history. With these steps, you’ll regain control over your online experience, allowing you to browse the web without interruptions and enjoy a cleaner, more focused online environment.

iOS 17: A Comprehensive Overview of New Features Release Dates and More
Softwares, Technology

iOS 17: A Comprehensive Overview of New Features Release Dates and More

“iOS 17, unveiled at Apple’s WWDC, is the latest significant software upgrade for iPhones, showcasing Apple’s commitment to enhancing the iOS ecosystem. It focuses on improving the user experience, particularly in Messages, FaceTime, and widgets. In this comprehensive overview, we’ll explore iOS 17’s key components and innovations, offering readers an in-depth understanding of this update.”

Windows 11 vs MacOS
Computer, Softwares, Technology

The OS war in 21st century: Microsoft Windows 11 vs Mac OS

Windows is a commonly used platform. an OS considered by various organizations. And companies prefer a windows version considering cost and other compatibility measures depending on their own prior requirements. The new Windows 11 brings a wide range of features that have recently brought the hype among multiple users. It is a free upgrade software if you have the Windows 10 pre-installed in your system